Hello, my name is Bill Johnson. I'm the new chair to the Stewardship Ministry Team.
On behalf of the Stewardship Team, I want to thank all of you who contributed so generously to the Special Appeal this spring. We achieved our goal and are able to retire our bridge loan on the Ministry Center. In addition, we received over $8,000 beyond our goal. The extra funds will be used beyond our walls for a variety of local and synod projects.

I would also like to share with you some news about the Stewardship Ministry Team at Holy Trinity. This summer our Stewardship Team will begin training in a stewardship program entitled “Stewardship For All Seasons” (SAS). The focus of this training will be to broaden our ministry of stewardship throughout the entire year to include emphasis on our time and talent in addition to our financial resources. SAS highlights the interdependent nature of the three elements – the stewardship of our planet, of our bodies, and our commitments, to serve and grow in our community of faith. This program will help assist us in a vision of stewardship we have been longing to do for a while, to have our stewardship ministry be a year-round commitment. To grow deeper in the reality that as our generosity grows, so does our spiritual life and discipleship in following Jesus. A life of service and support IS the abundant life and is what the Gospel is about.

Being a part of SAS doesn’t mean we will be asking for money or making special appeals all year long. Rather, the program will help us envision a stewardship ministry that is holistic and will enrich every aspect of our life, not just our finances.
Throughout the remainder of this year, we will be focusing on the many ways our ministries at Holy Trinity are impacting lives, bringing people into a greater sense of wholeness, and extending our reach as individuals and as a community of faith. I believe that this work can be both exciting and fulfilling, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.
If you would like to serve on the Stewardship Ministry Team or want to know more about “Stewardship for All Seasons”, feel free to contact me, Karen Franke (our church council liaison), or Pastor Will.