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Holy Trinity invites you to be a part of the "Be the Light" campaign

Writer's picture: HTLC & LCMHTLC & LCM

Dear Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and Lutheran Campus Ministry,

Over the past year, the challenges in our state have grown. As members of Holy Trinity and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, our desire to help address those challenges by serving our neighbors is at the core of our vision and mission as a community of faith. We have heard Christ’s promise of new and abundant life and we want to help, but sometimes we are not sure how.

One way we can help our neighbor is through our partnership with Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC), an institutional affiliate of the North Carolina Synod. LSC is a mission-based human services organization skilled in assisting individuals facing a variety of life challenges. In North Carolina alone, LSC provides more than $12 million in services each year to serve our neighbors.

LSC has been approved by the North Carolina Synod Council to conduct a capital campaign in congregations between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2023. This opportunity rotates among the affiliated organizations of the Synod and LSC has not had an opportunity to launch such a campaign since 1998. LSC kicked off its $4.2 million Be The Light campaign at the 2021 Synod Assembly, and efforts are well underway to share the message about LSC’s work now and into the future. Please know that all

funds raised during this campaign will be used for services in our state.

Be The Light is raising funds to support three primary service areas: guiding children and families; expanding opportunities for adults; and For the Children Endowment. Three areas that LSC has a history of serving and providing support for since 1976.

Our participation in this campaign has been approved by our Church Council and our Church Staff. Over the next five weeks in May leading up to June 5th we will hear "ministry moments" and "temple talks" about Lutheran Services Carolinas and how we can participate in this campaign. During the season of Lent, at our midweek worship services, we raised close to $900 for Be The Light and now we invite our members to pray and discern what we can give as a one time gift or a three-year pledge.

I urge you to listen carefully and open your hearts to God’s call to serve. It is important that as a society, we fulfill our promise to Be The Light. Surely all of us can find something among these goals that speaks to our hearts. Our Synod has had a long partnership with Lutheran Services Carolinas. With the success of this campaign, we can be assured that LSC will remain a vibrant partner in ministry for years to come. To find out more about this campaign we invite you to visit their website at

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Will Rose



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