Here at HTLC we are continually providing opportunities to learn and grown in faith through Bible Study, Groups, Lectures, Hosting Podcast and Events.
The youth of Holy Trinity are encouraged to be an integral part of the entire ministry of Holy Trinity. Youth Ministries allows time set apart for the youth to interact with peers, have fun together, grow in faith, and reach out and be active members in the church and community.
Confirmation Ministry
Confirmation ministry at Holy Trinity is a three-year program in order for students to have a more comprehensive learning experience. Sixth – eighth graders are in one class together meeting on Sunday mornings. We use a university model of core course and electives. Through Discipleship University, youth will be able to pick and choose core courses and electives that fit their schedule and interests.
Godly Play Sunday School
Children ages 3 years - Kindergarteners learn Bible stories and about our liturgical calendar through the Godly Play curriculum. Children hear and watch a story told by one of our Sunday School teachers and then engage the story through retelling, art work, Bible reading, and play.
Godly Adventures Sunday School
Children 1st through 5th graders are welcome. They use a combination of Godly Play stories and age appropriate styles of learning with crafts, games, and cooking mixed in. This class meets on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour in Classroom 2 upstairs in the Ministry Center.
KOOL Club (Kids of our Lord)
Kool Club is for 3rd through 5th grades and meets once a month during the Sunday School hour for a lesson, games, snacks, and sometimes crafts. On KOOL Club Sundays, the 1st and 2nd graders join the Godly Play class.
Music Camp
Music Camp is held each summer (this year it is August 4-10, 2025) for K-5th grades. The children practice for a musical during the week and perform the musical on Sunday for worship. During the day they engage in singing, practicing the play, making props, crafts, Bible stories, games, lunch and snacks. (Please see the Music Camp flier under "Music" for more information).
High School Sunday School
High School Youth go to breakfast once a month with youth advisors and have topical discussions. Information is in the weekly Youth email!
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is for 6th-12th grades and meets several times a month. The group usually meets in the Youth Room on Sunday evenings for topical discussion, devotions, games, movies, and dinners. They also go off campus for activities like Frankie's Fun Park, ice skating, escape rooms, and weekend retreats. The youth usually have four retreats per year- an August Fall planning beach trip, January ski trip, February Lutheran Youth Organization weekend, and a Memorial Weekend mountain trip. Some youth also attend summer church camp and every three years we attend the ELCA Youth Gathering for high school students.
For More Information Contact Holly Shipley, Minister of Discipleship.